
With heavy hearts and in heavy rain we descended from the beautiful mountains on the border of Galicia and Castille y Leon, passing through the many places we had cycled along the Camino. We knew what we were each thinking, should we stay and finish the Camino, or head south and return when the weather was better? Having already cycled so far, and with just 75 miles away from our target of Santiago de Compostela, it seemed crazy not to stay and finish. But the weather was so wet that the Camino wasn’t safe, Penny was feeling exhausted, and had fallen off on the last day of cycling, so we let our heads rule our hearts and headed south.

We had heard that Zamora, 3 hours away, was worth a visit, so we parked up at the free Aire and headed to the Casco Historico – the old quarter – just around the corner. We were glad we did …

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