Camino Day 21


Lovely Astorga sits at 860 meters, from there we cycled up to the highest point of the whole Camino, 1,520 meters, to the Cruz de Ferro, Iron Cross, where peregrinos leave stones and other momentos that they have brought from home. It was windy and VERY cold.

There are many reasons why people choose to walk or cycle the Camino, one of which is in memory of a loved one. There are many messages on the stones around the cross that people leave in their memories.

Pilgrims also leave stones with messages of hope and love, which is what Mike did for Sarah and her beautiful family.

The beige of the meseta is replaced with the orange terracotta of the Montes de Leon
These villages would no longer exist if it wasn’t for the trade of the pelegrinos
Purple heather on the side of the Camino
Cruz de Ferro – Iron Cross – the highest and coldest point of the Camino Frances
Mike’s stone of love and hope for Sarah which he brought from Hythe beach
Ponferrada in the distance
We met Tim from Texas in Molinaseca who, after walking the Camino, sold up his estate and moved to this quiet village on the Camino

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