
Sadly not our favourite city, we were spoilt by Burgos and Legrono.

The approach to Leon was through what seemed like miles of trading estates. There’s loads of graffiti and there’s an air that feels a bit ambivalent, the cafe staff couldn’t care whether we were there or not. The worst were the cashiers selling tickets in the cathedal, museums and Gaudi’s building. Although they are all tourist attractions, the staff spoke the fastest Spanish we’ve heard yet, apart from saying, ’no hablo ingles’ very precisely. It’s a good thing we like trying to guess what people are saying!

What surprised us the most was the 10k race that finished right outside the cathedral door; even inside the magnificent building we could hear the PA system announcing each runner as they crossed the line. This, blended with the squeals of the children on the two bouncy castles had to be heard to be believed. And it was Sunday morning! Are we getting old, or what?

Inside, the stained glass was jaw dropping, and most of it was original from the 13th century, each piece hand crafted. We wondered if William Morris had been here to inspire some of his designs.

Short brimmed fedoras worn by the vergers
Cloisters of the basilica and the staircase
Gaudi’s Casa Botines, 1891
One of Dali’s interpretations of Dante’s Divine Comedy
We spotted many brass footprints across Leon’s walkways

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