Camino Days 18 & 19


Sahagun provided a lovely stopover at a free spot found on the Park4Night app with lots of shade for Jessie under the trees of a small park.

The town was interesting, lots of bars and cafes with exterior walls painted with murals. We spent an evening there hoping to meet some walking peregrinos, but it seems they all go to bed early after walking all day. All we found by way of activity were noisy Spanish children playing in the main plaza till late in the evening.

The Camino runs parallel to the old N120 road, so for quite a few miles we cycled on the empty road instead of getting in the way of the walking peregrinos.

It was refreshing to see some different crops on either side of the Camino, maize was yet to be harvested, some tiny vineyards were scattered between the giant corn crops, irrigated by an acquaduct that ran along the edge of the fields.

Entrance to Sahagun
Another bici-peregrino outside his albergue
Views from our free overnight spit
Along the Way
St James – Santiago
Typical place to stay in dormitories for a few euros
Big seed pods falling with the leaves
More pilgrims cycling the Camino now we are getting nearer to Santiago de Compostella
These pilgrims were from California
They took our photo and we promised to buy each other a beer when we next meet
Toby and Kristina from Germany
Finally we could see Leon in the distance

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