
The city of Burgos lies between Madrid and Santander, in the Castille y Leon region, and has a population of about 180,000 (a little less than Portsmouth).

El Cid was born near Burgos, lots of the roads are named after him, he is buried in the cathedral.

El Cid

The Museum of Human Evolution was brilliant, we spent many hours but only covered two floors out of the five, so we hope to return on our way home. It features the fossils of the first humans who lived in the area 750,000-800,000 years ago. These children were very intrigued!

But the most important building in Burgos is the cathedral, the largest in Spain and equally ornate inside and out.

Burgos cathedral is the largest in Spain
Charles or Harry?
We witnessed three weddings on Saturday 8 October

There were lots of bronze statues around Burgos.

We loved the atmosphere in Burgos, we visited the city three times, and three times we said we could live here. The away team fans were in town all day waiting for kick off at 8pm, it was a joy to see them drinking and enjoying themselves.

But what we enjoyed the most was witnessing the Sunday activities of relaxing with friends and family, even if it meant arriving on horseback.

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