Camino Day 10

Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado – 35 miles return

Santo Domingo was an 11th century hermit who built a hospital, church and a bridge to aid the pilgrims crossing the Rio Oja. He also performed some miracles including bringing back to life two chickens whilst they were being cooked! Thereafter two white chickens, a hen and a rooster, have lived in the cathedral close to the tomb of Santo Domingo, in the town named after him.

There were some beautiful mosaics in the crypt of the cathedral.

The ride along the Camino to Belorado was almost entirely beige – huge fields of stubble, large areas of dried grass, dried up river beds and the gravel and stoney Camino.

Lady barbecuing red peppers ready for the pilgrims
We met Michelle from Brazil
Belorado church
Peregrinos from Italy sheltering from the sun
Belorado graffiti

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