Camino Day 5

ESTELLA TO UTERGA return – 31 miles

Penny didn’t really feel like cycling today – didn’t sleep well last night and knees are aching – but after cycling a few miles she got her mojo back.

First stop was for a cafe con leche at a quaint hilltop village called Lorca. There were plenty of peregrinos outside the two small albergues (dormitory hostels) having refreshments. We met Lauren from Oregon taking in some calories before she continued her walk.

The main nationalities of the pilgrims seem to be American and South Korean.

Lauren from Oregon

There were many interesting things to photograph on our Way Today:

Roman bridge
Vineyards of Rioja with pilgrim on Camino
Tempranillo grapes
The Camino
Just before Mike came off
Wounded elbow
Ripe sunflower heads bowed over like pilgrims
Collage of beheading of Santiago by Herod AD44
Puente de Reina
So we did …

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