Camino Day 2

  1. CAMPING URROBI to IBANETA and back, then 2. to ERRO and back

23.9.22 – We left our beautiful green spacious campsite (22€) on our bikes late morning with the temperature 10 degrees lower than yesterday, but after a short climb we were stripping off the layers.

We stopped at Roncevalles to look at the ancient buildings and to get our Camino passports stamped before cycling further up into the mountains to where we had cycled yesterday, Ibaneta. There were plenty of pilgrims (peregrinos) on foot and on bikes who had just crossed over the peaks of the Pyrenees.

After returning to the camper for lunch and to give Jessie a quick walk, we cycled south to Erro and back. We noticed the southern Pyrenees are not as green as the French side, the leaves were already starting to change colour. There were also fewer peregrinos, by now the walkers had spread out according to their pace. There are also optional routes for walkers and cyclists along this stretch of the Camino. We bought local cheese, bread, wine and bananas and had our Camino passports stamped each time.

Mike had a ’bonk’ when we were leaving Erro, a sudden dip in blood sugar, which left him weak and a bit dazed. After the bananas and a meusli bar he picked up and we returned to the campsite.

We did a total of 33 miles again today which we were pleased with considering the mountainous trails.

Beautiful bugs
Mike recovering from his blood sugar dip

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