
A small pueblo blanco – white village – 7 miles from Arcos de la Frontera, on a steep hillside above a lake where canoeists, dinghy sailors and paddle boarders while away the hours, with the national team of para motor gliders practising overhead for the world championship which is taking place here soon.

When there’s no human activity on the lake, the birds abound with grebes, egrets, mallards, coots and osprey. We saw an osprey swoop and catch a fish which he then flew off with whilst other birds tried to steal it from him.

We did a great hike along the waterside to the dam holding back the water from the lake beside Arcos, passing a disused cave dwelling, a man on a beautiful Andalucian horse, and then panting up cliffs back to the village where the Carnival was just starting. Just as we were finishing the hike we spotted a praying mantis.

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