Things we’ve noticed so far …

From the freezing temperatures at Salamanca, it really warmed up in Caceres, Merida, and Cordoba; during the afternoon it was 20 degrees, and at night 5-10 degrees.

Most people wear masks when outside in towns, in fact everyone wore masks in Salamanca. On Thursday 10 Feb the law is being relaxed so masks will no longer be compulsory outside.

More people smoke cigarettes in Spain than they do in the UK.

Civil amenities appear to be much better than in UK. Buses are cheap, clean, frequent and punctual. There are lots of play parks for children and outside gym equipment for adults.

Very few people are over-weight. Most Spaniards are slim, it is very noticeable when someone is overweight.

There are very few tourists where we have been so far.

The main roads are really smooth.

Spanish people are polite and helpful.

Campsites are cheaper than UK, £15-16 a night compared to £20-30 in UK.

Spanish people are quite loud.

There aren’t many dogs.

Spain is on European time, one hour ahead of UK, Portugal is on UK time, which must be confusing for those who live on the border. Due to Spain’s time zone, in the west of Spain sunrise is about 8am and sunset about 7pm.

Houses and apartments are built right next to historic buildings, eg virtually ON the Circus Maximus in Merida and the Alcazar in Cordoba. The video below is worth a look, Mike added the sound track of Ben Hur.

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